Jeyas - Round Jaggery

How to Buy
Check your nearest store or buy online from our E-Commerce partners such as Lazada, Redmart, Amazon etc.,

Jaggery improves digestion by stimulating the digestion enzymes Jaggery act as a Cleansing Agent, it cleans the respiratory tracts, lungs, food pipe, stomach and intestines

Jeyas - Mint Ginger Syrup

Previewing Mint Leaf - 15, Ginger - Small Pieces, Lime Juice - 1/2 tsp Jeyas Jaggery - 4 spoon, Cool water - 200ml,(1 bowl) Salt - as per your need.
Add Mint, Ginger, Lemon Juice, Salt (as per your need) and Little water together and make a Paste using Mixie, Add the above paste to cold water along with Sugar, stir well and serve.

Smart Source Manufacturing Pte Ltd

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